If I have correct goals, and I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing, I know I am going to succeed. -DAN DIERDORF- Top sales people are intensely goal oriented. In every study, the quality of goal orientation seems to be associated with high levels of success and achievement. The highest paid sales people know in advance how much they are going to earn each week, each month, each year. They know how many calls they will have to make to achieve a particular level of sales, and they have clear plans about what they are going to do with the money they earn. It is essential for your success that you decide exactly how much you intend to earn each year. If you are not absolutely clear about your earnings target, your sales activities will be unfocused. You will be like a person trying to shoot at a target in the fog. Even if you are the finest marksman in the world, you are not going to hit a target you can not see. You have to know exactly what you are aiming at.
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Each Day I will post something new for you to help you to learn. I think first you should know some ground rules to really know about Network Marketing but to my surprise it almost goes along with anything in your life. So before we start on the business building programs lets discover some key principles. Learn to absorb what I am telling you. If you follow the philosphy of it, all of you can actually start producing success like I did. But first you need to live and breath as if it is the air you actually breath. I know you have watched me grow from ground zero for those of you who have been around for the last 2 1/2 years. You can do what I have done if you set yourself to really believe in yourself. I am no different then you, if I can apply it to my life so can you all. First have a burning desire The starting point of all goal attainment is the desire. You must develop an intense burning desire for your goals if you really want to achieve them. Only when your desire becomes intense enough will you have the energy and internal drive to over come all the obstacles that will arise in your path. The good news is that almost anything that you want long enough and hard enough, you can ultimately achieve. The great oil billionaire H.L. Hunt was once asked the secret of success. He replied that success requires two things and two things only. First he said, you must know exactly what you want. Most people never make that decision. Second, he said, you must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve it and then get busy paying that price.(NOT TALKING ABOUT MONEY) So if you apply these principles to your mind, soul and your being you can change your mind set. You have been programmed and already predominately set up to fail.It is your responsibilty to change your mind set and achieve what is already yours to take and have. Nothing stops me.I set myself up to get something and I go out and get it.You do not need to fail.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
skype me- simikathy
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