Tuesday, June 24, 2008



God did not create any of us to be average. He did not make us to barely get by.
We were created to excel. The scripture teaches that before the foundation of the world, God not only chose us, but he equipped us with everything we need to live his abundant life.
You have seeds of greatness inside of you, but it is up to you to believe and act on them. I see too many people today going around with low self- esteem, feeling inferior, as if they do not have what it takes. As long as we have that poor self- image, we are not going to experience God's best. You will never rise above the image that you have of yourself.
That is why it is so important that we see ourselves as God see's us. You need to have an image of a Champion on the inside. You may not be there yet; you may have some areas to overcome, but you need to know deep down inside that you are a Victor and not a Victim.
One of the best ways that we can improve our self- image is with our words.
Words are like seeds. They have creative power. It says in Isaiah that "we will eat the fruit of our words."
Thats amazing when you stop to consider that truth: Our words tend to produce what we are saying.
Every day, we should make positive declarations over our lives. We should say things such as " I am blessed, I am prosperous, I am healthy, I am talented, I am creative, I am Wise.
When we do that, We are building up ourself image. As those words permeate your heart and mind and especially your subconscious mind, eventually they will begin to change the way you see yourself.
The Scripture says, " With our tongue, we can either bless our life or we can curse our life."
Some individuals curse their own future by saying things such as, "I do not have what it takes, I am so clumsy, I can not get anything right."
We must be extremely careful what we allow out of our mouth. Our words set the direction for our lives.
Which direction are you going? Are you declaring good things?
Are you blessing your life, speaking words of faith over your future and your childrens future?
or are you prone to saying negative things ? When you talk like that, you are setting the limits for your life.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

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